Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Welcome to But I'd Rather Be Reading!

Why read?

You’re never limited to your own imagination, if you have books.

Books are often free (see: libraries!), and pair well with most beverages (see: arguably, non-alcoholic) and foods (eat: finger foods that aren’t messy).

Reading is freedom: reading is making the choice to continue the adventure in your head or out loud. It demands you demand independence for yourself! Other forms of media restrict you with consumption limits (see: binges, commercial breaks), but reading allows you to enjoy the story and characters in your own way and on your own time. A good book is infinite.

So, why read?

Read because you can, and because you want to. Read for yourself, read with others, or not, and read always because you have the time. Even if that time is only when it occurs to you nothing is occurring, you can read.

We are Chelsea (grecianlight) and Frank (quicktonguedone), a bibliophile couple living in Astoria, NY. In this cozy nook, we will be posting reviews of the various books we’re (always) reading, and other literary findings.

Welcome and enjoy, readers!